If you remember I told you I was the lucky winner of Quilting on a Budget's blog makeover courtesy of
www.acornglue.com. Well, my new look is up and running. Thanks a bushel to Sharnee for such a nice blog template and the instructions were so simple that everything just fell into place. It's wonderful don't you think? I would of have it up and running sooner, but it's spring break time here in NE Indiana and I got to spend a couple of days watching my grandkids. I had a wonderful time! I learned all about Blue's Clues and a show called Pinky Dinky Do. They learned about the ducks and geese we saw and the frogs we heard on our daily walks. And I taught them the peanut sitting on a railroad track song, how to walk like an elephant and how to play Simon Says. The best thing about grandkids is that it's not my job to turn them into responsible adults, my job is just to have fun with them. What's that saying, "If I knew grandkids were this much fun, I would of had them first!"
till next time.....
Grandma Chicken here, just testing to see if my comments are working. Thanks again to Sharnee, they are now fixed!